All students are to wear the complete uniform daily unless parents receive notification of a change. Students who do not wear the appropriate uniform will be asked to call their parents to bring proper clothing or will be given something appropriate to wear for that day.
Dress Code:
School Uniforms: GIRLS
(Worn every Monday & Wednesday)
- JP2 Jumper or Skirt : Classic Navy Large Plaid
- Khaki, Navy, or black pants, skorts, skirts, polo dresses, capri pants, or bermuda shorts. The length should reach close to the bottom of the middle finger when arms are at your side.
- ** No leggings please unless they are under a skirt or jumper**
- White blouses, light blue, navy blue, red, or any solid color polo shirts
- Navy cardigan, sweater, fleece, or solid hoodie (no hoods up!)
- Indoor shoes & outdoor shoes: dress shoes, sneakers, or crocs.
- Only natural hair color is acceptable for school.
School Uniforms: BOYS
(Worn every Monday & Wednesday)
- Navy blue, Khaki, or black pants, joggers, cargo or shorts
- Red, light blue or navy blue polo shirts OR any color/print polo or button down shirts
- Navy blue sweaters, fleece or hoodie (no hoods up!)
- Indoor & outdoor shoes: dress shoes, sneakers, or crocs
- Only natural hair color is acceptable for school.
GYM Uniforms
(Worn every Tuesday & Thursday)
- Any color sport pants or shorts
- Plain/solid shirts OR JP2 logo solid or tie dye shirts
- Sneakers
Almsgiving N.U.T. Day
(No Uniform Today—Every Friday)
In order to participate in the NUT day, your child needs to
bring in $1 or a canned good for charity.
The children can wear what they choose as long as the clothing does not express or promote symbolism inappropriate to the Catholic faith. Shirts must cover the student completely from shoulder to waist, including reaching up or bending over. Girls’ bottoms must reach their fingertips when hands are at their sides. No ripped jeans, no facial piercings, no unnatural hair color please. Jewelry is acceptable as long as it is not a distraction. The decision of appropriate dress will be left to the Administration. Students are to wear neat and modest clothing that befits a dignified student.
“I must be willing to give whatever it takes to do good to others. This requires that I be willing to give until it hurts. Otherwise, there is no true love in me, and I bring injustice, not peace, to those around me.”
Mother Teresa